
Curriculum Overview

The Curriculum offered at Holy Name Primary School is designed to enhance the students in all areas of their learning journey. We strive to have students take an active part in their own learning through developing strong personal skills that develop their management capabilities. Embedded throughout the curriculum are the skills of cooperation, problem solving, innovation, self-direction and the capacity to relate to others and manage change.

Holy Name Primary School’s curriculum encompasses a range of Contemporary processes. We are aiming for our students to become 21st Century Learners, engaged in the world that we live in and seeing their learning as important for them to develop understandings about themselves and how they learn. We believe our students should be supported to construct their own deep understanding by building on their current knowledge and making connections through conceptualizing, reflecting and analyzing. This is a continual process where the students are engaged in their own learning across all Learning Domains. Students are continually setting goals for their own learning and reflecting on these, therefore creating a personalized learning environment in each classroom, where each students needs are met.

Students and teachers have a mutual respect for each other. The learning environment at Holy Name Primary School is one that is safe, orderly and positive, allowing for students to be engaged in a range of experiences.

Our curriculum is based on the Victorian Curriculum F – 10 as developed by the Victorian Curriculum & Assessment Authority. This sets out  what every student  should learn during their first eleven years of schooling The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship.

The Victorian Curriculum F–10 incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian priorities and standards

We endeavour to foster the potential of every student through a range of specialist, support and extension programs. Specialist teachers are employed in the areas of Italian, Physical Education, Visual Art and the Performing Arts. We also have an Interactive Learning Centre, where students work developing their interpersonal and personal learning skills in a range of areas.


Education in Faith

An essential part of daily life at Holy Name Primary School is the Religious Education of our students. We utilise an Inquiry approach in the teaching of Religious Education; focussing on the following areas:

  • gaining knowledge and understanding of Catholic traditions, beliefs and practices
  • reasoning and responding that lead to particular ways of thinking and responding
  • personal and communal engagement in spiritual life

The Liturgical Year and Sacraments are also taken into account when planning our Religious Education Program. Classes celebrate the Eucharist regularly, through level or class masses and whole school gatherings such at Beginning of School Year Mass and Grandparents/Special Persons Day. As a Catholic school students at Holy Name also participate in daily prayer, para-liturgies and meditation. Holy Name Primary School provides a school-based program for students preparing to receive their Sacraments. The Sacramental program is an important part of the school’s Religious Education Program and these celebrations within our Holy Name community are an outward sign of the school’s vibrant worship. We recognise that parents are the primary educators of their children. Therefore, we seek to work in partnership with our families in the preparation of students to receive the sacraments. Students celebrate their Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in Year 4 and Confirmation in Year 6.

Sacramental Program

All year levels build on the student’s journey of faith ~ the following year levels celebrate the Sacrament:

  • Year 6 – Confirmation
  • Year 4 – Reconciliation and First Eucharist

Families of the following year levels are invited to attend meetings which allow for reflection, sharing and learning for their own faith journeys.

  • Prep – Preps in Pyjamas – a session which helps parents understand the ways they can journey with their child and provide opportunities for prayer.
  • Four – a workshop on the Sacrament of Reconciliation and journey through the opportunities of forgiveness which begins with the family. A workshop that focuses on the Eucharist
  • Six – a workshop Conformation that explores the Holy Spirit at work

School Prayer

We are happy and proud to belong to Holy Name School.

Bless our Parish Priest, Staff, Parents and Families.

Help us to do our best at school and to do what is right.

May we show kindness and respect to each other,

and may we be good and true friends to one another.

Then Holy Name will continue to be a happy place

where we can live and grow in your love.



At Holy Name school our aim is to develop independent, responsible learners who are self-motivated and engaged in their literacy learning journey.

We …

  • provide learning and teaching opportunities to meet the individual needs of students
  • build and maintain a positive partnership between home and school to support ongoing student learning
  • provide rich learning experiences to develop life-long learners
  • closely monitor and assess students to inform and plan for student’s needs

“One Size Doesn’t Fit All”

When teaching English at Holy Name the emphasis is on raising the standards of each and every individual student. Our intention is to personalise their learning path so they feel engaged as a learner and challenged to succeed, in order to become high achievers, both at school and in their future years.

Our literacy focus for Prep-2 is all about laying the foundations for the development of student’s literacy knowledge. In Years 3 -4 we build on that foundational knowledge and in Years 5-6 our aim is to consolidate and extend student’s knowledge.

Rhymers will be Readers!

Experts in literacy and child development have discovered that if children know eight nursery rhymes by heart, by the time they’re four years old, they’re usually among the best readers by age eight.

(Mem Fox, Reading Magic.)


Studies in mathematics provide students with opportunities to develop numeracy skills, critical and creative thinking, decision making and problem solving required in all aspects of life. Mathematics at Holy Name is based on the Victorian Curriculum’s three strands: Number and Algebra; Measurement and Geometry; and Statistics and Probability. Teachers use a variety of ongoing assessments to establish students’ individual learning needs and use differentiated learning tasks and opportunities to cater to these needs in every unit.

At Holy Name there is an emphasis on encouraging students to use the four mathematics proficiencies of fluency, understanding, problem solving and reasoning to solve a variety of mathematics tasks and apply these to real life situations. This is also developed through the use of a variety of relevant and contemporary resources.

A mathematics intervention program is in place to support students requiring extra assistance in mathematics and programs such as Maths Olympiad are available to extend and challenge those needing it.

Mathematics has beauty and romance.
It’s not a boring place to be, the mathematical world.
It’s an extraordinary place; it’s worth spending time there..
– Marcus du Sautoy

The Arts

At Holy Name the Arts Program enables students to develop their creative and expressive capacities. Learning in the Arts leads students to become increasingly confident and proficient in achieving their personal forms of expression and appreciation in valuing the works of others. In the Arts students explore the world of visual representation, expression and performing.

Weekly specialist Arts lessons occur at all levels of the school. Whilst making and responding, the Arts Program provides students with knowledge, understanding and skills as artists and performers. Students also develop an understanding of the role of the audience by exploring skills in critical and creative thinking.

The Arts Program includes the opportunity to display students’ artworks through an exhibition or in a whole school production.

Student Wellbeing

At Holy Name School we are committed to encouraging each person in our community to explore their full potential. We acknowledge that people work and interact more effectively if they are happy, secure and stimulated.

Children are given opportunities to develop skills which promote resilience, problem solving and the ability to make good choices. We encourage empathy towards the feelings of others and respect for the rights of all. We help our children to use the life skill of setting and reflecting on goals for themselves to promote self-awareness.

Some of the ways Student Wellbeing is addressed are:


promoting health and building belonging
  • open and safe playground
  • children’s participation in school life – school leaders, choir, outdoor education program
  • whole school recognition of positive behaviour
  • Streets Ahead Program
  • Young Ambassadors Program in conjunction with SCOPE Victoria for Years 5 & 6
  • Buddy Program

    Early Intervention

    strengthening coping and reducing risk
    • Individual Learning Plans
    • BounceBack ! Program
    • School nurse visits


      accessing support and providing treatment
      • Referrals to specialists e.g. Speech Pathologists, Psychologists, Educational Psychologists
      • School Counsellor
      • Behaviour Management plans


          restoring positive relationships
          • Monitoring of children with special needs
          • Awards and acknowledgement of effort and achievement

              Digital Technology

              All students at Holy Name Primary School have access to a variety of digital technological and contemporary tools to develop their knowledge and support their learning

              Digital technology is an integral and exciting part of the school curriculum. At Holy Name Primary School we strive to integrate this throughout all aspects of our student’s learning. The use of iMAC computers, iPads and various robotics technologies are some examples of how we aim to encourage students to become effective producers, consumers and communicators of information. The school also has a weekly lunch time ‘Coding Club’. In 2023 we have Digimaker, an external company running a Coding Club weekly during lunch time for students in Grade 3 – 6. In previous years staff have run the coding club as an opportunity for students to experiment, collaborate and problem solve through the use of Bloxels EDU, Sphero Edu programs, MicroBit kits and online programs.

              All students, across all year levels, have the opportunity to use technology in the class room on a daily basis using Google apps for Education, as well as other online educational programs.

              * Prep Ipad trolley

              * Year 1 – 6: Chrome books

              Prior to using any form of technology, students and their parents are required to sign an Internet Usage Agreement  which outlines the school’s expectations of students whilst accessing the internet.

              If you are experiencing any online issues e.g. cyberbullying visit this website for more information or to make a report: eSafety Commissioner



              At Holy Name School, all students from Prep to Year 6 have the opportunity to study Italian, as a LOTE (Language other than English) Specialist Subject.

              Learning another language, in addition to English, extends a student’s literacy repertoire and their capacity to communicate. It strengthens a student’s understanding of the nature of language and the processes of communication, not just in their new language but also in English. Learning languages broadens students’ horizons in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world. It develops intercultural capability, including understanding of and respect for diversity and differences and an openness to different experiences and perspectives.

              All students have regular Lote classes. We are very fortunate to have a dedicated LOTE classroom, which is well equipped with resources to create a stimulating vocab-filled learning environment.

              During LOTE classes, students actively participate in interactive dialogue through classroom routines, greetings, songs, games and shared activities to familiarise themselves with frequently used Italian words and simple phrases. The program also aims to extend their speaking skills using oral strategies, such as repetition, choral reading and repeating correct pronunciation associated with written words. Using familiar language and structures, students also create short written texts and role-plays related to the topics being studied. All students are encouraged to use as much Italian as possible when sharing ideas and working with each other.
              Units of work are developed around themselves, their family, friends, school life, day to day life, hobbies, interests, basic concepts and cultural topics.

              Through their immersion in a LOTE, students notice similarities and differences in the patterns of the Italian language compared to English and other familiar languages. They increasingly notice the many similarities and differences that exit between the Italian and Australian cultural practices. The LOTE program extends the students’ understanding of themselves, their own heritage, values, beliefs, culture and identity. Together students learn to recognize, appreciate and respect these cultural differences as they grow in their understanding of each other.

              We celebrate an Italian Day annually, which acknowledges our learning of Italian and the Italian Culture, but also encourages the celebration of the many cultures we have at our school. On this day the children are engaged in fun, engaging, learning activities, including an Italian incursion, enjoying Italian food, dressing up in Italian clothes and other Italian cultural experiences.


              At Holy Name Primary School our Physical Education and Sports program aims to cater for all age groups and abilities in a positive environment. Our aim is to encourage participation in a variety of sports and activities. Participation in these physical activities provides opportunities for relaxation, enjoyment, recreation, fitness, social interaction and competition.

              We also run clinics through Sporting Schools and have partnerships with Cranross Tennis Club and Panthers Basketball Club. Holy Name also run a Miniroos Soccer Program on a Saturday which is run by the parents of the school.

              Year 5 and 6 students throughout the year have the opportunity to compete against other schools in the Preston District in the following sports: t-ball, bat tennis, rounders, cricket, soccer, AFL football and netball. As well, students in Year 4 – 6 have the opportunity to trial for District sports representations such as swimming, cross country, basketball and athletics.